Tag Archives: 1890s
Wyner Family and Associates, 1898

From left: I.A., on bicycle sixth from left, unidentified woman and young girl, Frances, with head inclined left, George, Rudolph, Edward and Gussie.
Here is what looks like the same photo with some annotations made by Frances Wyner, ca 1982. The annotations are described below the photo.

TRANCRIPTION OF FRANCES’ NOTATIONS and NOTES (with COMMENTS by Richard H. Ember, February, 2008):
1. “My mother” [Comment: i.e. Gussie Wyner]
2. “Baby Edward”
3. “My father” (Comment: i.e George Wyner)
4. “Rudolph”
5. “me” (Comment: i.e. Frances Wyner)
6. “I.A.”
7. “tall girl -Fischer family”
8. (Comment: by mistake Frances marked the “tall girl,” number 7 above. twice, as number 8 above the figure and number 7 below)
9. Mrs. Fischer (Comment: mother of tall girl, no.7)
10. unidentified
11. “African friend”
12. “African friend” (Comment: The gentlemen in light-colored hat and moustache, no. 12, definitley appears to be one of the two gentlemn in a photo taken in New York in 1902, of George with two men, identified by Frances as the two men who bought George’s business when he left South Africa in 1899. No.11 looks like a very young man, maybe a teenage boy, too young to be the second buyer of the business, and here it seems Frances in 1982 was mistaken, probably becasue her vision was a little blurry at the time.)
13. Mr. Fischer (Comment: mother of tall girl, no. 7. Frances in her notes mistakenly says the girls parents are “9 and 10” but that appears incorrect, since no. 10 is a black man, and Frances had previously in coversation identifed noi. 13, with glasses and moustache, as Fischer.)